Axel - Bass & Backup vocals
Ulf - Vocals
- Drums
- Guitar & Backup vocals
- Guitar

was formed in Jönköping, Sweden at the end of 2002 with the basic, simple idea to create wild hardcore punk rock and have a blast doing it. We did live shows, recorded demos and began to build a fan base, participated on national radio station P3’s annual festival Popstad 2004 and got songs on some compilations.

Late 2004 we released a 7” split with sludge doom legends Counterblast and in 2006 one more 7” split with punk/hardcore act M:40. During 2006 we recorded 12 songs by ourselves to be released as an album and the German label Guideline Records seemed a fitting co-worker able to help us expand our territory.

We released the selftitled album in February 2007 with a hell of a release party where guitars and stages were trashed, sound engineers pissed and the audience extatic. The album was extremely well received, and we were now prepared to take it to the next level. A european tour was done in support of the album, but due to label related issues and a hand injury the real blast had to wait until 2008 when grace.will.fall did 50 shows in 7 different countries and at the same time recorded songs for a 2nd album in between tours.

Now it's 2009 and with the release of the 2nd album grace.will.fall is ready to serve the world another dish of Swedish hardcore!